Crazy Highschool incident.

I've just remembered an incident from high school. It was around 3 a.m when Stephen went to the ablution block to empty his bowels. What he saw left him speechless, Dickson was deep inside Titus, one of his hand was on the sink, the other one holding Titus waist, (not their real names). On top of the sink was a 200ml bottle of Arimi's. The three of them were classmates, they stood there for about 30 seconds, staring at each other. Stephen then went back to his bed, waiting to go for preps.

By lunch time, almost the whole school knew about the incident. What I never understood was why people praised Dickson but hated Titus. The stares and seclusion Titus got made it impossible for him to stay in that school, so he transferred the next term. Dickson, on the other hand, completed Form Four in that school and was seen as a hero throughout.

Titus came clean and said Dickson gave him some foodstuffs and in return akaamua kuchuna mboga.