Sunshine (2007) is an amazing film but Danny Boyle and Alex Garland approached the story differently which makes it even more interesting

I think it's fair to say Sunshine is a visually gorgeous film and the soundtrack is beautiful as well. The story itself can be interpreted in multiple ways which makes it more interesting.

The writer of the film, Alex Garland said he "wrote Sunshine as a film about atheism."

He expanded on the subject on the introduction of the Sunshine screenplay.

"A crew is en route to a God-like entity: the Sun. The Sun is larger and more powerful than we can imagine. The Sun gave us life, and can take it away.

"As the crew travel nearer to the Sun, the majesty of the burning star fries their minds. The crew are hypnotized by it, or baffled by it, or driven mad by it. Ultimately, even the most rational crew member is overwhelmed by his sense of wonder and, as he falls into the star, he believes he is touching the face of God.

"The Sun is God-like, but not God. Not a conscious being. Not a divine architect. And the crew member is only doing what man has always done: making an awestruck category error when confronted with our small place within the vast and neutral scheme of things."

The director, Danny Boyle, had a different approach.

"The director, Danny Boyle, who is not atheistic in the way that I am, felt differently. He believed that the crew actually were meeting God.

" I didn't see this as a major problem, because the difference in our approach wasn't in conflict with the way in which the story would be told. The two interpretation that could be made from the narrative were the same two interpretations that could be made from the world around us."

What are your thoughts on this subject?