Ultra Movie Nerds: What is a movie quote that literally makes zero sense due to a clear mistake in the filmmaking process (bad editing/rewrites/continuity errors/etc), but often goes unnoticed by virtually all movie-goers? Bonus points if you know why it made the final cut

In Ghostbusters, the fountain scene with Venkman hounding Dana for a date ends with:

Dana: I’ll see you Thursday.

Venkman: I’ll bring the Roylance Guide and we’ll eat and read.

It's said so fast, honestly, most people only hear something like "eat and read." But what the hell is Venkman talking about?

In the original script, "The Roylance Guide to Secret Societies and Sects" is mentioned in dialog earlier in the movie, akin to mentions of "Tobin's Spirit Guide." Except, famously, GB was largely ad-libbed and reworked scene by scene as they were shooting, and mention of Roylance ended up being dropped. Slight problem: the Dana/Venkman fountain scene was the first shot on the film, so no one had any idea it'd go away.

Not sure why they didn't just re-record the dialog, because a lot had to be anyway due to the fountain noise. In the end, I imagine they just didn't care.

Quick edit for the handful of GB fans for taking this way more seriously than intended: this does not make it a bad movie or a bad scene! It's just a moment where there was supposed to be a callback, only the thing that was being called back to was cut out, so it's up to the audience to fill in the blank. That it still works for you is great! That the vast majority of people can only make out something that sounds like "roy-lan-sky" over the sound of the fountain pretty much makes it a non-issue for most. It's just a bit of trivia!