What are your thoughts on Fight Club 25 years later?

I just watched Fight Club for the first time today, and wow, it was an amazing film. Ed Norton and Brad Pitt's chemistry was amazing, and I love the style and aesthetic of the movie. It really has the 1990s 'edgy' look to it. I was hooked from beginning to end. Before watching it, I didn't really know what the movie was about. I just thought, 'Oh, it's about a fight club,' but I was wrong, and I was completely shocked by that twist. After finding out Ed Norton's character was Tyler all along, I was left thinking, 'What else was real, and what was fake?' I'm assuming Tyler has multiple personality disorder.

The film has a unique message. Tyler forms 'Fight Club' to rebel against the system, but all he did was form a cult that did whatever Tyler told them to do. He was no better than society or the car company Tyler worked for. Everybody who was a part of the gang was a nameless robot, and they ended up getting one of their own people killed (R.I.P Bob). In the end, Tyler couldn't even stop his own plan. Despite him trying his best, he lost to himself. This movie was a 10/10.