Struggling to adjust to riding in the US.
I’m British. My wife is American. I have owned motorcycles most of my life, and ridden all over the world - mostly in Europe and Asia.
My wife and I are now spending more time in the US (east coast) and she bought me a motorcycle as a present this summer (I know, she’s a keeper…)
I’ve only done about a thousand miles on it in the last few months, but I am just not enjoying riding in the US at all. I’m getting really frustrated, because motorcycling was always my ‘me’ time, and an opportunity to escape the phone and the email, and maybe run an errand or get a coffee. I love the sense of freedom, and the greater interaction with my environment.
I’ve recently had the very sad realisation that I genuinely dislike riding in the US. Back in the UK there are advertisements on TV promoting bike safety, and the society generally acknowledges that bikers are much more vulnerable than car drivers, and therefore need to be given a little extra room and consideration.
But the US is a totally different animal. The inability to filter (in my state) leaves you exposed to being rear ended. Vehicles follow so close you wonder if they are actually trying to run you over. When people see you are trying to change lanes, they close gap solely stop you ‘getting ahead’ as if we are all in the same queue - when it clearly makes no difference at all - but even worse as a biker if you don’t catch the (often very late) lunge to cut you off you can be seriously exposed to danger.
Just yesterday I had a car driver leaning on the horn because I didn’t want to move forward into a junction until I could see the gap in oncoming traffic to make the left turn - something that seems to be obvious to me, but somehow no one seems to understand natural mitigation steps bikers should be taking.
And all this is before we factor in the complete addiction to cell phones whilst driving, total lack of roadcraft, lane discipline, and freeway speed following distances that make me genuinely concerned (even when I’m in the car).
To be clear, there is a lot to love about the US. But I have always loved motorcycling - it has always been part of who I am - and I am at a loss as to how I can enjoy it here.
This is a genuine appeal for advice. Has anyone been through the same transition? Do I need to ride differently? Currently seriously considering selling the bike, so hope I can get some help here. Any tips appreciated.