Need some advise: striple, xsr900 or trident 660

Want to get a bike for every day commuting! Live in a large city so a lot of use will be within the city and not much motorway unless going for some weekend rides.

I have not rode in around 10 years other than to do my full unrestricted license. The last year I’ve been commuting on a Vespa 300 and it’s made we want a bike bike again. Before that had a Honda cb500f and rode mainly in the city for 3 years.

I’m struggling between deciding on the 3 bikes.

I’m worried that the after such a period the striple 765 and xsr900 might be to much bike but also worried I might get bored of trident quickly.

I am planning on test riding them. But I’ve sat on the xsr900 and preferred the riding position than striple and thinking about city feels more comfortable on the wrists.

What’s people thoughts, trident 660 to work up to those bikes after a few years.

Or go for the bigger bike and ride them in rain mode?