BSP Rant / Sequencer Recommendations please!
Hi all, I need a good drum sequencer (can be in or out of rack) that can do 'auto-fill' i.e generate its own patterns per drum. Randomness feature also essential. Needs to have a live record feature too so I can play in parts as and when. Lastly, a screen of some type would also be desirable to give quick and easy feedback on pattern names, numbers, etc. Basically, I used to have a BSP but hated the way the random feature would affect the whole drum part instead of just a particular instrument. I always thought that was such a dumb oversight. I also had issues with muting and unmuting a specific drum on the BSP. Not sure if that is a quirk of the device or if mine had a bug (you could hold mute and then mute as many individual drum parts as you liked, but then it wouldn't let you unmute them individually. So I'd have to press the mute button again to unmute ALL parts to bring everything back in). Anyone else had that? Anyway, recs for an intuitive, somewhat generative trigger sequencer please!