Help choosing first couple of modules to build around a mother-32.

So I've had my mother 32 for a couple of weeks now and I'm enjoying playing around with it and the creative options that the patch bay allows, However I would like to start building out a setup with the end goal to be creating a minimal house/techno system that could also be capable of drone sounds. Now obviously I don't want to just buy a bunch of stuff and be overwhelmed by it all (Only just started learning synthesis) so my plan is to just buy 1 or 2 modules at a time and not moving on until I have learnt them inside out. I am fully expecting the maths to be recommended but I don't think i want one as it seems fairly complicated (having so many functions) and I would rather have modules that only have 1 or 2 functions to help me with my learning experience on this modular journey.

Thanks in advance!