I can’t believe I’m not alone.

I had no idea this was a thing, I’m shocked. I always thought there was something wrong with me. Around 13 years old Is when I noticed this, I would get so angry when I would hear my family chew food. I would seriously get so mad I would almost cry. I still at 28 years old still get like this but I am better at coping with it now. It’s not just with my family it’s with just about anyone. Now I just remove myself if possible. My kids don’t bother me which is so odd to me, even if they’re chewing in my ear but anyone else it drives me nuts

I also cannot deal with snoring, I spent many many nights almost sleepless and just getting so enraged when someone was snoring next to me. Tried having headphones in the whole time and I would always still hear it through my headphones which would make me even more upset.

So so so glad I know that this is a thing now and I’m not the only one.