Returning to MGS5 TPP

Giving the game another chance after stopping at mission 3 where you had to kill this target at a base and quickly leave the area. The thing that got me was the lack of checkpoints during missions meaning if you were died last minute from being alerted then you would have to redo everything from the start. I managed to complete the mission where you had to destroy 3 radio towers in 2-3 attempts but j ended up dying when I was nearly done because of a mistake I made and the enemy was too far away for me to aim in reflex so I ended up being alerted. The second time I was alerted was when I decided to fight through and destroy the last comm panel before dipping out of the Base and finishing with a B.

I'm just worried that as the missions get more complex then this will naturally start to get more fustrating and ruin the game for me.