20m extremely depressed and struggling to keep going

Hey everyone,

I am 20 years old and currently very depressed out of 1 reason in particular. I’m already balding, sadly and it’s noticeable. I already use various medications however I have seen no improvement to my situation, which led me to where I am now. I feared this for all my life. When I was 14 I saw my cousin who was in his early 20s back then, nearly bald already and 1 year later my hairline was getting worse already, that when a friend of mine even noticed it and pointed it out. Since then I feared hairloss more then anything else and it has taken over my life to be honest. 5 years later, my balding has progressed and I just feel ugly now. It hurts so much to see all those people in my age with great hair and not even a sign of hairloss. It just feels so unfair because I feel like I’m being robbed of a good life or a good youth because of this. I never had a girlfriend and I desperately want to experience love, however I’m just missing the confidence and I have the fear that a girl my age won’t be attracted to a balding guy, where she has 100 other options who don’t struggle with that. I feel extremely lonely at times and right now every day is a worry for me, if the hairloss treatments will work or if it will get even worse, if I will be bald soon, it’s terrible. Every day is a struggle for me now and I don’t even want to keep going to be honest. I know in the end of the day it’s just hair, but in my opinion so many aspects of your life are linked to having good hair, so yeah… Just needed to get this of my chest.