Reimbursement from landlord for broken down car stacker
TL;DR: Do I have a leg to stand on requesting compensation from my landlord for a car stacker failure causing me to miss a booking and leaving me out of pocket?
I have a question, as the title suggests, about a repeatedly failing car stacker in my apartment building. For context, I live in an apartment building that is entirely occupied by renters (no owner occupiers) with a single company owning the building and thus being everyone's landlord (no real estate agent handling things, we speak directly with the company). The building had a car stacker installed when built and this is the only form of parking available. There are not enough spaces for every apartment so those who do have a spot pay $25 a month on top of our rent for use of the stacker. It is extremely unreliable, requiring a call out for repairs on average every 3 months or so over the last 2.5 years. That estimate is definitely a conservative estimate as well.
I finally had the misfortune of the stacker breaking down today with my car trapped inside, resulting in my missing a prepaid appointment. Because of the last minute nature of it, I will likely just lose my booking and the $110 I paid for it.
With all that said, do I have some kind of right to be compensated for the lost booking?
Thanks in advance.