Urology Match Chances 2025
I have wanted to become a urologist since even before starting medical school. I am nearing the end of 3rd year and I was doing well until my last rotation. My school uses an H/HP/P/F grading system during clinical years and they told me that in order to be compeditive for urology, I need to honor all of my rotations. I honored 2/3, including surgery, and HP my third. I absolutely bombed my 4th shelf, which puts me at a pass, not even high pass, despite having outstanding clinical evals. I dropped 12 points from my 4 NBME practice forms on the real deal and my school uses percentile rather than raw score towards the final grade. Even if I do manage to honor my last two rotations I imagine that i’ll be middle of my class ranking at best. Let me know if there is any important information that I left out that would be helpful to give advice.