Increase in symptoms due to seasonal change
I had an interesting thought and would like to hear your thoughts about it - perhaps AW has said something about that aswell, but I'm still catching up on past live-streams and way behind on books.
I suffer from chronic urticaria and neurodermatitis since 2019. Managed to get it somewhat under control with the help of ayurveda 2 years ago but parts of it is still there. With every seasonal change I see them symptoms creeping up on me again. More acne, rashes, itches, psoriasis, less energy - to a degree where I see myself forced to take allergy medications again for some time until my body gets used to the new season.
Now I ran into AW just a month ago and immediately started LW, CJ and HMDS so I don't have a lot of experience in this lifestyle for reference.
But it's October now. It's getting colder, darker, rainier, moist. Change in season. And those symptoms are coming back. And oddly enough everytime there's a seasonal change I have cravings for fat, meat, eggs, sugar, fast food etc. What if those cravings come from those "bugs" or pathogens or whatever there is within the body that is trying to survive the seasonal change aswell? What if they create those cravings to be fed and build strenght for the new season?