Question about Massachusetts Pizza culture
Does Massachusetts have the most variety of pizza in the United States?
You have different species of pizza all over MA.
In Boston you have the varieties inspired by Pizzeria Regina. So Regina, Santarpios and Papa Ginos are representatives of this species.
South Boston Bar pizza from Cape Cod Cafe, Town Spa, and Lynwood are examples of this species.
Beach Pizza from Tripoli and Christys.
Merrimack Valley style (Is this even it's own style?) From places like Joanies and Treehouse Brewing in Tewksbury. yes, I think these places have departed enough from the New York style to be their own style.
Greek Pizza from the various House of Pizza locations across MA
Neapolitan style from Si Cara and Picco in Boston
Bakery Pizza from Bovas and Galleria Umberto
Then of course you have the commecial pizza places like Domino's and Papa Johns
Grandma style from Bovas and others
Detroit Style from Detroit Pizza Co. and Avenue in Somerville
Western MA pizza from Red Rose and Denardos.
New York style from Joe's and Oggi.
What are some that I am missing? Which example of each one does the best job (best product, most reliable consistency)??