Please, I beg, switch off Rocket
I’m not usually one to complain but I have to get this off my chest.
I’m currently in diamond and I got to GM last season. Not saying Rocket is a bad hero but sometimes we NEED a defensive ult. Please switch off Rocket so we can stay alive.
What’s worse is I wouldn’t care if these players were playing Rocket but every single Rocket player I have ever met are so unbelievably toxic it’s not even funny. I asked a Rocket player to switch off politely because we were getting destroyed by their ults, and they immediately resorted to insulting me and saying they were the problem.
Like I said, I usually don’t complain but this is getting out of hand now. Every second game has an instant lock Rocket who refuses to play anything else or change for the team. Please, I’m on my hands and knees, switch off Rocket and play with the team.