Surely you guys don't still think Magneto's ult is bad..?
As a Magneto main I am absolutely loving this triple-strategist meta. It's by far the most reliable way to shut down healing ults.
Luna ulted? Drop a meteor. Cloak ulted? Wait until the dash pauses, drop a meteor. Sue ulted? Fly into the circle... drop a meteor. I have played games where I have genuinely terrified the enemy C&D so badly that they stop ulting until I'm dead.
Tbh it says a LOT about the average rank of this sub to call his ult straight up dogshit. You can win fights all by yourself if you pick them off correctly.
And the boring counterargument everyone uses is "just don't shoot towards Magneto's direction lol" A: his ult still oneshots without a single bullet charge needed, B: enjoy winning a team fight with no one shooting.