F it non synergy team ups
NOW for some non-synergy synergy (basically characters that do not have a team-up ability but still are good together) :
Panther- spiderman: the in and out duo dynamic duo, pretty annoying.
Star lord- punisher: not that much of a synergy together but when you hear both ulta you gonna start praying to bhaast or some.
Bucky- spiderman/iron fist/magick: on pulls it in, the other one finishes the job (also easy aGAINS)
Penny-namor: alright this should be pretty obvious, stun and squid people, stun and squid.
Penny- sqg-namor: same that above just that you get your movement privileges taken away completely.
Loki- strange: what? But loki can pair up with any- shush, double portal and stun goes wild (you do have to coordinate with your team tho).
Magneto-strange: the ultimate defense, nothing will pass through this defense, its like a roman wall formation without the romans, but full of shields.
Storm-wolverine: damage boost from storm stacks with wolverines rage damage boost.
Star-lors-strange: gliding through the battlefield so gracely, descending from above like angels comes... WAIT WAIT WAI- LEGENDARY SHIELD OF AGAMOTO.
Captain america-venom: both jump, make the enemy airborn ready for your hawkeye to take them out (or miss his shots enterily).
Magick-irom fist: do i even need to say something here??? (Tanky dps)
Thats it folks, remember to drink hot water and dont take anything from strangers. Merry Christmas yall and happy new year.🎉