Performance Issues Since Winter Update
I wanted to make this post because I don't see anyone reporting any new performance issues along with this new winter update. Upon release of the game I have been running my game completely fine, no issues whatsoever even though many others reported performance issues during that time. Since this new winter update, my game has become nearly unplayable. Even the MVP screens drop to ridiculous frame rates if they even display at all. The main menu seems to be a consistent 60 FPS but as soon as I'm in a match and get into combat I drop down to ~1-5 fps pretty frequently.
I also wanted to note that I made this post because my friend has experienced the same issue as well. I know everyone has been saying this has poorly optimized and I understand but I truly think this issue is from this latest update. Me and my friend both have been running the game perfectly before and have had almost identical performance issues since. Hopefully one of you guys have found a solution.