Moments / sentences that made you lose trust in your boss

Whether you're the boss and it was your boss, or otherwise.

For me it was in response to being told more about a problem hire I wanted to exit. She already had her behaviour discussed with me, other managers and even the agency that got her hired and hadn't improved.

His response: "well she hasn't heard it from me yet".

Came across as naive and egotistical. Kids aren't scared of words, or even losing their job, which she'd proven. It also said he didn't think I was up to my job, or was exaggerating.

Incidentally, she was scared of him... until she met him. By that point, she was temporarily behaving. But after she met him and didn't see a 6' 2" demon headmaster, and instead a nice, unassuming, slightly effeminate 5' 8" guy, her behaviour tanked. Thankfully she got a new job.

Not before she destroyed the team and tried to destroy me though, as predicted.

How'd that conversation work out?