Leaving my cushy corporate job

Hello Reddit, I am a 26 y/o male currently working in tech. I make around 120k a year.

I am not going to lie, I absolutely hate it. It pays well but recently feels like I am wasting my time doing something I absolutely hate doing.

I am thinking about getting my EMT license. The school I'm looking at is hybrid so I don't have to quit or lower my hours at my current job.

I know that I will be taking a massive pay cut (about half of my current salary).

It's a big gamble and a lot of work but if I'm going to change careers and do something dumb like like this. I want to do it while I'm still young and single.

Should I do it?

Edit: I appreciate everyone who responded in good faith. I think I have my answer.

I still plan on getting certified but at least starting out I plan on going part time or just volunteering.