Baby Witch freshly into Chaos Magick. Advice, recommendations, or anything I need to know just starting out?
I am a baby witch. I feel as if I’ve lived my whole life with a sense of magickal intention in my day to day. In the past 6 months I have just now started performing rituals and started a book of shadows. Most of my current work, having just began, is centered around the lunar calendar and the elements, with a bit of manifestation and protection magick. I have just recently started diving into learning about the 23 universal laws, and learning about how Chaos is The Law of the Universe. As of now, I generally consider myself an eclectic pagan, with a strong interest in Celtic traditions. I remember in middle school I used to draw the chaos sigil everywhere— in the dirt, on my school notebooks, in the air with my finger, anything. before I even really knew the depth of its meaning. Where should I begin in terms of diving into chaos magick? How does it differ/compare with other kinds of magickal practices? Best sources for doing my own research and studying?