I asked the dreaded question and got the wrong answer
My current boyfriend (22m) and I(22f) have been together 6 months now and it’s been perfect up until now. I finally asked him if he watches porn. He told me he didn’t want to lie and that he had been looking at it from time to time. I know he doesn’t have a porn addiction; id like to think I’d know the signs but my god did it bring me back to my ex. I had told him about my ex and how he had a horrible porn addiction and how he cheated on me because of it (we were together for 5 years). I kinda forgot that all men do this and I forgot that my perfect boyfriend was no exception to that. It hurt me hard and it put a lot of bad thoughts into my head. I think it hurt me most that he knew how I felt about it and he was still watching it. He apologized for it and said that it’s something he’s capable of controlling and that he won’t watch it anymore. He was even tearing up while telling me. I told him I would never believe him. How do I get over myself ? I’m still hurt about it and I still feel weird with him. I keep thinking about the whole process of him searching up porn hub, picking a video with the ideal woman for him, and jerking off till he’s done. It hurts, but I know the ideal woman doesn’t look like me. I feel like I’m spiraling for something so small. Any advice for this ? He really has been so amazing, I’ve never had a guy this good before but I just look at him and think about watching porn can lead to.