How to Disable Deleting History in Chrome
hey guys! a while ago I posted how to disable incognito mode in chrome, and i've found out you can do the same for deleting history in chrome with the same method! If you've already disabled incognito mode using the Windows Registry, you'll just be putting this key in the same place, under the "Chrome" key.
this is great for a recovering addict to curb temptation/keep accountable. But also, if you have a suspicion your PA partner isn't being as honest as they should, secretly doing this on their computer can catch them in the act. I believe all PA partners have the right to know if their PA is truly being honest or not, because we all know they likely won't come clean themselves. We have the right to an informed decision, and by lying to us they take that away.
So anyway, here it is.
Click the Windows button and search for "Registry Editor"
Right-click on it and select Run as administrator.
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Policies
Right-click on Policies and select New > Key and name it Google
Create another key under Google (right-click on it > New > Key) using the same method and name it Chrome and then click on it
Right-click anywhere on the right side, and create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value and name it AllowDeletingBrowserHistory with no spaces.
Double-click on it, and make sure the Value data is set to 0
Click OK, and close the chrome browser if it is open.