People who have been maintaining for years: how active and intentional is your maintenance?

Is it something you constantly/periodically think about? Do you just follow your "new normal", or do you have to actively think about it and implement maintenance actions and strategies? Do you try out new approaches every now and then, or have you settled on what works for you? Do you weigh yourself anymore? Do you keep track of whether you're actually maintaining, or if the weight is creeping back up? How?

I would just leave it at the questions, but will add some thoughts and personal experiences to try to get to the word minimum: I'm interested in hearing others' perspectives on this because I suspect maintenance is much more deliberate and active than people tend to think.

Even if people haven't loss weight, I think if you see a consistently slim adult, it's because, more often than not, they're actively keeping themselves that way.

For me, I've managed to keep most of the excess off for around 5 years, but sometimes some of it comes back, and I dabble in new approaches to lose and maintain again. For me, it's not a single approach, but a whole repertoire. And it's not something that I accomplish and move on: it's always important to me to be in shape, and I actively rejoice if I'm able to maintain it, and do something about it if I'm not.