Do I need to lose weight?
Hi, found this subreddit when I searched the same question :)
I'm 22/F, 61kg, 161cm Proportions: Chest - 38, waist - 31, hips - 40 For me, I have always felt I'm fat and I need to lose more weight. I used to weigh around 69-70 kg but lost weight due to college stress and diet.
My close friends say I have appropriate weight for my age, no need to lose more.
But during health check-up, all of the people who has seen my weight in the machine say either "I thought you weigh more" or "Op, you're getting fat". Those two opinions are completely different but both indicate that I look fat.
My family, on the other hand, says I'm getting thin and I should eat more.
I feel I'm fat when I'm trying out new clothes and insecure that my arms are fat. Other than that, I don't want to change much about how I look.
People who have seen me either say "you have small face, you look like a kid" while others say "Oh, thought you were older" or "you have fat cheeks".
I don't what to believe right now, I hope anyone would say an exact answer like either you start to lose weight or you don't and why should I do it also. It would mean a lot.