Fiddlesticks isnt the Real name of the demon

I don’t think Fiddlesticks is the name of of the primal demon of fear, because of a tiny détail is his Voicelines

He has a voiceline that says his name twice, however it has been STRONGLY implied that fiddle only repeats the words of his victims

However, he has other lines where he interacs w/ other démons like eve, kench or nocturne, where he says their names. When fiddle interacts with other champs , he « reveals » their Worst fear, and that implies that demons fear their names being revealed

So if the guy that died to fiddle was saying his name to Ward him off( i dont think that everybody know s What fidle Even is , I think the guy that died was some kind of demonologist), why did he die ? I think that implies that « Fiddlesticks » is a false name spread by the demon so that ppl dont research his Real name as it is its weakness