If you are going through hell, keep going.

Life can be horrible at times. I have had a lot of hardships in my life and felt hopeless many times, a lot of pain. People you trust more than anything misunderstand you. People you trusted more than everything else combined betray you.

But there is one crucial rule
Never, ever, ever, give up.

Always work on yourself, always make yourself improve even if you feel like you can't, what ever you do don't give up. Even if its just a small insignificant goal each day like "make my bed", just do it.

If you are going through hell, keep going, don't stop and don't drop off into the abyss, just keep going, one bit at a time.

If you don't give up, you can't really fail. It's never too late to reinvent yourself, it's never too late to make new friends, it's never too late to find new love, its never too late to make your dreams come true.
You just have to keep going.

Much love and support to all of you <3