The litter robot saved my old man!
My husband insisted on buying the litter robot for our 2 cats. I was impartial but thought whatever it will make life easier cleaning up. I never thought it would be this great!
I noticed today my 15 year old boy was peeing in my kids ball pit. This is very unlike him so I was surprised. I then checked the litter robot app. My old boy had gone 15x in an hour. Barely getting out any pee and straining a ton. The robot did not even have time to cycle because he was always in and out. I wouldn’t have known without the litter robot because our box is in the basement and I was super busy today. I called the vet right away and they told me to come in ASAP.
Luckily it was not a urinary blockage. He does have a suspected UTI though and being treated with antibiotics. He has a lot of other chronic illnesses so this could’ve gone south fast if left untreated.
Thank you litter robot!! I never would’ve picked up on this so fast and got him the treatment he needed. I will always have one for my cats nowadays!