Wondering if I should take time off work when starting Lexapro? Or am I overthinking?

I have never taken meds before in my life. But my anxiety and depression have now become so crippling that I struggling leaving my house just for work everyday...weirdly even have anxiety on my drive home. I suppose I have anxiety that's more geared towards agoraphobia/driving/being outside my comfort zone and my home. I also have anxiety about taking anything... sometimes even with ibuprofen. So you could say I'm anxious about taking Lexapro. But this is the med my doc thinks will work well for me. Would you say it'd be wise to stay home at the start of taking it? Or are symptoms manageable enough to still go to work? I worry because I've seen some people say they felt more anxious for the first bit of taking Lexapro, and if I struggle to get myself to work each day as it is, I don't want any added anxiety. I know very well I could honestly have minimal to no side effects. I guess I'm just scared. But I'm at the point where it has completely taken over my life.