Help identifying NXT Mindstorm 8547 Capacitor

I have a NXT Mindstorms 2.0 (Set #8547) which suffered significant neglect over the years at the hands of a set of AA batteries that corroded all of the metal contacts and one specific radial capacitor in the main PCB of the computer module.

I've been having significant difficulty in tracking down a hardware schematic for this version specifically, all of the ones I've found so far were for set #8527 (the previous NXT Mindstorms set) and while most components match, this "C90" capacitor does not.

I have a hunch that it should be an exact copy of the one 2 over from it (the bigger one on that side), which is labeled C91 and is a 560uF, 6.3V radial electrolitic capacitor.

Does anyone have either a hardware schematic or a working NXT they could disassemble to confirm the specs for this cap?