CAT TALK: Qwality Assurans in da Home
Hi frens, dis Papas da Chonk Potat wif a Cat Talk for yu abowt my pashun, Qwality Assurans. As meny of yu know, I haz ben a QA/QC supurrvisor fur meny yeers. Iz not a fansee job like pawyer, nor a famoos job like Crimes Bos or Male Model. But it iz da most impoortant fur keepin da home saf fur hoominz.
Furst ov all, iz impurrtant to unerstan dat hoominz dat lib wifout cats hab shorter lif spanz. Dey diez ov greeble attacs an lonliness. Wifout a cat to inspecc dey homez, meny bad fingz will happen to dem. Dey need us.
Secund, we must do a inspecc ov all hoomin acktivitys an envirmint. Wen dey yuze hoomin litter bocks iz de mos dangerus time for dem. Dere iz monstarz in toyletz. Meowmy sez sum of dese monstarz iz at da "skool" were she "werk" an ebery day dey grab a inosint stoodint who she send to de baffrum an den da stoodint not com bakk. Iz bery impurrtant to supurrviz yu hoominz while dey iz enywere neer dis toylet.
Fird, yu mus do a inspecc ov ebery part ov hous. Mos acksidentz happen in hous, so yu mus mak shur dat dere iz no greeblez enywere in hous. Yes, eben in da rain room. Jus be shur to inspecc rain room wen waterr iz off.
Last, enyfing hoominz do mus be inspecc an approvd by a cat. Dey mak a fud? Inspecc. Do a werk on lite bocks? Inspecc. Mak a sowing? Inspecc. Yu must always put yu pawprint ov aproval on enyfing dey do. If dey no folow dis prosedur, SOOOO. Dey gots to be in complians wif all OCHA (Occupational Cats and Health Agency) guydlinz.
I hop yu all unerstan better now de impurrtant job ov Qwality Assurans in da hom!