Is simply following along with Neetcode enough?
Hi guys. So i just started neetcode and im on the array and hashing section. a lot of the problems don't even seem hashing related to me though, or the mediums are just so odd at times to me in terms of solution that it makes me think "i could've never thought of this on my own". Like for one of the solns for neetcode in array and hashing it used some for loops alone and I thought "isn't this essentially just brute force"? and even still i dont think i would've had the mental capacity to figure out those drawings that neetcode does, e.g the postfix/prefix for the Product of Array Except Self.
So right now i'm just following along with the solutions and trying to copy them down and understand them as i copy them down, in hopes that it'll stick. but it probably wont lol. So I was hoping you guys had some tips for me? what should i properly be doing? and how do i get over this learning curve right now, because i really dont get anything about array and hashing past the easies because there's always some different technique that neetcode uses and I have trouble envisioning how i would ever apply that myself or identify it when looking at a leetcode problem. any tips?