Relationship between a muslim girl and christian guy

Is it destined to fail?

Edit: Hello everyone, I did not expect this much interaction honestly lol. Thank you for taking your time and sharing your opinions and experiences.

It's not really just black and white and the problem isn't only religion although it was a main factor causing other problems. In all fairness I should explain the context a bit and I will asap

Update: Hello again, sorry for the wait, you guys know how it is; work and life, gotta keep up with everything... Anyway I don't think it matters anymore so don't see the point in explaining loads of stuff.

I can sense it, she doesn't want it anymore. We've been on a "break" and limited contact recently and that's the only reason I came and asked here. I wanted to have some hope that maybe it's not too crazy of an idea, but I guess it doesn't matter. I don't blame her though I was worried and scared it might not work out too and now that we toned it down she thought it's best to keep it that way.

I think she adapted and felt she's better off without the whole thing, again I don't blame her, but I'm here all delusional still hanging on to the last thread 😅 Part of me still wants to fight for her and us but at the same time I want her to be comfortable and stress free, I want both of us to be that way.

I apologize for the anticlimactic and short update. Thank you for the nice words of encouragement, sorry to disappoint. I might be making a huge mistake but I think I won't bother her anymore.

Never thought I'd talk about my personal life to close friends let alone strangers over the internet but here we are. If she ever comes by this post and recognizes it (I know there might be more than one couple in this exact situation, but I trust she'll know my writing style); I love you always and my only wish is to see you happy. Thank you for being there when no one else would have been. (I know blekh but cmon just a guy in his feels)

Love from a fellow compatriot.