How do you make life vibey without weed

This might sound stupid af but I miss how weed can enhance the atmosphere, it was like being in a liminal space. It felt like being an explorer in a new place or something. I have nothing to do in my life so it was fun to feel like I was in the backrooms sometimes. Maybe it’s just the dopamine playing mind games but idk I just miss really having something to do. I’ve been weed free for a long time and I’m so bored and everything’s empty, yeah therapy and self improvement might make life better in a few years time and I’m doing all that, but today and tomorrow and for the foreseeable future what tf am I going to do? Nothing feels like I’m actually doing something except being high. I like the feeling of being in a story or doing something larger than life like going to another reality, I just don’t know how get that feeling any other way.