I have no clue why leona isn't being banned/counterpicked more at worlds. She currently holds a 79.2% winrate at worlds while being the 5th highest presence champ and 2nd highest pickrate.
As the title says, Leona looks busted in pro play right now. After play-ins, she holds a 79.2% winrate, having 19 wins and 5 losses. Pro players are clearly doing something wrong in draft for a champion to be able to get numbers this high. The fact that she only has 9 bans while being this dominant is a joke.
"But the better teams are the ones that are picking her, which means that her winrate is going to be higher."
You know what else that means? It means that better teams value Leona more, and have been practicing her more. Do you know what teams qualified for groups? The better teams, aka THE TEAMS THAT HAVE BEEN PRACTICING LEONA! If Leona gets banned, the teams that have been practicing leona, the teams that qualified through playins; all of their practice on the champion will have been for nothing because they can't pick it. That is an amazing competitive advantage. Have you ever banned someone on the enemy team's main in soloqueue and nobody dodged? Those games are insanely easy because alot of that player's practice doesn't matter.
"But she has counters."
Counters which are either ineffective or are not being picked. There is only one support who has been played against leona in playins who doesn't have a sub-50% winrate. And that is braum, who is 3-3 against leona in play-ins. That isn't a counter. That's an even matchup. Obviously, I don't have access to scrim data, but if teams have found a counter to leona, please pick it.
It is beyond rediculous that play-ins teams have let leona almost get an 80% winrate with only 9 bans. Atleast all the other champs with >60% winrates we can blame on low pickrates. If a team manages to pick leona tomorrow, I recommend betting that they will win, because as far as I have seen, leona is beyond broken right now in pro play.
Sidenote: Amumu is being heavily overrated by pros (and us). We were all wrong about him. He still looks terrible in pro play. Can't even make 30% winrate across 11 games.what a loser
Data was from https://gol.gg/champion/list/season-S11/split-Summer/tournament-ALL/. Sort it by worlds only (or 11.19 since that is the worlds patch).