It isn't about the feat win rates

I've seen discussions about whether acquiring the feat boots makes the games statistically more snowbally than before. First, I want to point out that it's highly unlikely the Riot balancing team overlooked this possibility, especially given their adjustments to things like first blood and tower gold.

What concerns me most about this feature is its potential to amplify tilt and make surrendering more attractive or common. We've all experienced games where the enemy gets first blood or dragon, and team chat immediately devolves into "ff15" for the rest of the game. Adding another mechanic that emphasizes being ahead or behind, especially with a visible indicator on the scoreboard, could further destroy player mentals.

Whether or not games are actually more snowbally isn't the main issue here. The perception of the new mechanic in games is what matters, and I believe it will negatively impact the overall quality of games. Of course, people who actively browse the league reddit are going to be able to recognize the nuances of win rates as the season goes on, but those are not the average player you're teamed up with in games (for most of us not in high elo atleast). Those players may just see the visual on the scoreboard and think its anothe reason to gg ff15 go next.