Nasus has a 51% winrate in Bronze but a 45.8% winrate in Diamond 2+; Why is there such a big difference? What makes a champion strong/weak in high elo?
Sorry if this is like a common sense question (I'm not great at this game) - I kinda noticed a trend amongst a bunch of champs that have really big winrate differences when played in high vs low elo. I'm using nasus as an example because I've seen a decent amount of posts about him recently.
With how people on here talk about his abilities, I thought he would be pretty strong everywhere. For example it seems agreed upon that his W is an extremely powerful ability - insane slow + cripple on a low cooldown point and click. And his E from what I understand is so strong in lane that it can poke people out and get perma priority.
But despite this, his winrate is at 51% in bronze, and by platinum, drops below 50% and in elite ranks is all the way down to 45.8% which is abysmal. He is the lowest winrate toplaner. He is also a simple champion so his winrate shouldn't be deflated right?
So my question is why is that? What makes a champion good in high elo and bad in low elo or vice versa? Other examples similar to nasus are like yorick and illaoi. Or the other way around where they are terrible in low elo but super strong in high elo like taliyah or qiyana. Is it just if they are simple champs? What else? Thanks