RATIRL plainly explains the issue with his champion Twitch

RATIRL tweeted:

The issue of the champion is that the E and the W are completely outdated abilites and do nothing (that's why AP [build] was viable before the nerfs because it made him have actual abilites); [but now,] half of the time my R is not worth using because the enemy is dodging the autos [anyways].

Additionally, with the item changes for Split 3 (due to IE being 3.6k, it takes longer for Crit marksman to come online), along with recent Bork nerf; while another nerf was not mentioned about Twitch - meaning his -52 HP base health which makes him even more vulnerable during the laning phase in a meta where he has to lane vs permapick Caitlyn or Ashe or Ezreal and so on - is why picking Twitch on average is dissatisfiying!

I think one other need Twitch, and other DPS marksman, crave for is that they want Lethal Tempo to have a higher cap on AA speed (higher than 2.5). Perhaps 3.0 or 3.5 would be a moderate improvement for LT passive for late game, especially against tanks/bruisers, since Cut Down is weaker after rework while LDR(/MR) have no passive anymore. Many complain about wanting to "glide" again, and it makes sense since Twitch wants to spray with his Ult.