League of Legends Ranked Matchings point system

Hello everyone on the league of legends Reddit, I am writing about the League of Legends Ranked Matchings Point system for early game ranks, I wasnt a fan of ranked back when I played the game in 2017, but recently got back into it with a friend, But Im hard stuck Iron, when I win a game I get 20+ points and when I lose a game I lose 25+ points and I know I'm not bad because I get A+ - S+ grade most game when playing ranked. What I dont understand is why I as a player get so heavily punished for having a bad (team) match if I myself am not doing too bad. Take valorant for instance, when you play a game of ranked and you lose a game but do better that what was expected of your team Valorant lessens the punishment by not taking away as many point such as only taking 7+ point instead of 20+, my point being League of Legends has the system to tell if you did good or bad based on the overall grade it gives you at the end of a match so why does it still punish me for doing a my part. Is it too much to ask for a fair system or match making. Most game I dont even get a fair team, with either top or jng being 100% a bot player not know whats going on while my lane gets pushed with 4 people early. Anyway just wanted to rant and rage abit and see what people had to say about this.

Edit: OP.GG LINK: https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/TrashJustQuit-EUW