How to make Yone feel fair(er) without necessarily nerfing his damage

In case you've missed it, Yone currently has 90.74% pick/ban rate 78.26% win rate at Worlds, the only losses coming from Western teams. Yone is universally agreed to be OP by pros. He is considered to be extremely safe while doing so much damage that he can completely ignore the crit part of his passive and build bruiser items. Current Yone build is BotrK -> Stridebreaker -> Shieldbow, with only Shieldbow having crit. His fourth item is often Jak'Sho. Yesterday Nemesis said on his stream that he wants to ban Yone but is forced to play him if his team needs an AD mid because of how OP Yone is.

Bafflingly, Riot is buffing Yone next patch because of the item changes.

Here's how to make Yone feel more fair:
- Remove the ramping move speed part of E. This is the thing that most people hate most about Yone: you cannot outrun him, he nearly always catches you. Make him rely on his dashes to catchup.
- Make W give a shield ONLY when hitting a champion. W shield in combination with E move speed makes his trading pattern toxic. He can always get the shield from minions. He even gets it if it's spellshielded, which is complete BS.
- Remove the mark detonation from E. Compensate the removal by increasing upfront damage, but this part has always been unnecessary and frustrating, because it's hard to judge how much detonation damage you are going to take.
- Force Yone to rely on crit chance to do damage. Change his damage numbers so that it scales off crit chance so he actually has to build crit and thus be vulnerable to damage.

Systemic changes:
- Further nerf lane sustain. Good luck trying to poke Yone out of lane as an AP mage when Yone is running Fleet, Doran's shield, Second wind or Bone plating. You will run out of mana before that.

Not saying all of these need to happen, but at least some of them should.