Top 10 Songs From 'R' Artists
Post your top 10 tracks that come from artists and bands whose names begin with the letter R.
- You may post more than 10 tracks if you have tiebreakers, and/or you simply want to.
- Use to help yourself.
- Artists and bands whose names begin with "The" count as 'T' artists.
Here are mine! :)
- Stargazer - Rainbow (#63, 119).
- Tom Sawyer - Rush (#79, #79).
- The Spirit of Radio - Rush (#130, 27).
- Man on the Silver Mountain - Rainbow (#160, 22).
- Killing in the Name - Rage Against the Machine (#170, 20).
- Dragula - Rob Zombie (#178, 19).
- A Passage to Bangkok - Rush (#181, 19).
- Orange Crush - R.E.M. (#228, 16).
- Know Your Enemy - Rage Against the Machine (#269, 14).
- Adios - Rammstein (#291, 13).
- Paranoid Android - Radiohead (#304, 13).