If you could purchase the perfect textbook to learn a foreign language, how would it look and what would it be like?

Hi everyone :)

I am looking into creating my own textbook, so that I can teach online. I focus on German, but since you are all learning / have learned a foreign language, I think the target language doesn't matter too much. For now, I am focusing on A1 & A2 (beginner level), but, if you are more advanced, feel free to share any input you may have as well :)

For textbooks that I would use to teach with:
- What topics do you wish were included more?
- Are there specific situations or scenarios you'd like covered?
- How important are visual aids, such as pictures, diagrams, or charts, to your learning process?
- Would you prefer colorful pages with illustrations or a simpler, more minimalistic design?
- Would you like the textbook to be paired with audio files, videos, or apps?
- Are interactive exercises (e.g., QR codes linking to quizzes) appealing to you?
- Should cultural information be integrated into lessons or presented separately?

I would also like to create a textbook that students can buy from me (at a more affordable price) that is more focused on self-study. Could you also please provide me with feedback on what an ideal self-study book would entail?

Vielen Dank im Voraus!