K and salt float/sensory deprivation tanks
I recently awoke my K unintentionally last month, as a matter of fact I had never heard of it until i started to google what I experienced. Iv been lurking here for a month reading up on things as well as going through the physical and emotional symptoms. My experience thus far has been positive for the most part, this was something I was well prepared for spiritually and the responsibilities that come with it are also very and clear and evident. meditation and presence is something I work on daily as well as channeling this energy that now flows like a river through me. Being in balance with my emotions both positive and negative while being present to the ebbs and flows of my mind is quite nice as well.
Recently I went to a salt and sensory deprivation tank for the first time. Being encapsulated in total blackness and floating with little to no sensation was absolutely incredible. That best way to describe this was existence in its simplest form, pitch black and presence. without feeling like i was in a body, complete and utter stillness and time felt frozen. The pressure at the center of my forehead felt less intense but was constant, and felt more balanced and not overwhelming like it sometimes can feel. After exiting the tank, i felt like what can only be described as a baby exiting the womb and entering the world. My bodily sensations returned, and for about 30 minutes after I could feel that energetic surge course through every cell of my body but way smoother and with more control.
For context meditation has achieved this but not at the scale or level i felt the tank did as the 3D world has constant things going on in the background. Im curious about what the next few days and weeks will feel like after, it’s something im considering going to weekly/bi-weekly but I wanted to see and ask if anyone here as had similar experiences.