Afraid of a kundalini experience and want to stop it
Hello, I read The Entethered Soul (Michael Singer) this week and rapidly found myself drawn to spirituality. 2 days ago, I experienced a huge flow of energy in my body while letting go. The problem is, while meditating today, I more or less purposely directed this energy around my spine. Within seconds, i felt a great energy not in all my spine but in the lowest part. Before continuing i decided to do some research but i'm utterly afraid of the potential consequences of that, after having read the warnings...
So i want to stop it but 1) i still this energy and i think if i meditate now i'll feel it much more 2) i want to continue my spirituality path as it is a great help and joy but now i'm very afraid...
Can you help me please? Thank you so much
I precise i really don't know anything about spirituality out of few lessons of M. Singer so maybe it's not kundalini... The only thing i can say is i have had this energy (like a pulse) in my spine for about an hour now and if i focus on it it becomes more intense. Also, i don't use substance. The only thing i did wrong, i think, was that after focusing on my awareness i focused this energy on my spine, and i think i shouldn't have