2nd time Suspended

My son is being suspended for the second time. Last week they said he was spitting and not listening. Today is Monday and he is being sent home for acting like an animal, hiding under desk, and threw a lunch tray in the bin. He knows this is not okay. He has an IEP for his adhd.

I have tried talking to him, and all he says is school takes too long and he wants to be home. I have tried reward system which did work in the past but not this time. He won't tell me anything other than he doesn't want to be there. When I try and seek answers from the school I get very vague answers on what is going on. I told my husband to ask them if i can do a sit in tomorrow instead of suspending him and he just got angry at me. Don't know what to do!

Edit: The school told me no for the sit in. They said it's against the law and violates the other kids privacy... I have never heard of this before.

Also he was not spitting on people just the floor.

To all the people who gave me actual advice thank you all so much. I will be following up with his doctor, and I am waiting on an advocate to message me back. Thank you again for the help instead of just judging me and my child. He is back in school today, and so far things are going well. I am in contact with his teacher.