Has anyone here experienced hand/thumb pain after getting a PS5? Any solutions?
Got my console around 6 weeks ago and for the past week or so I’ve been experiencing a strained feeling in my hands, and often pain. Mostly around my lower thumbs/palms and wrists. I initially suspected it could be a repetitive stress injury from work (still could be. I’ve informed my boss) but now I’m also considering it could be related to using the DualSense, as I have noticed it feels bigger than the DualShock 4. I think it’s weird because it doesn’t actively feel all that uncomfortable when I’m playing, and I’ve never had issues like this for the past 20+ years of playing games, but after looking it up it seems like some people have been having similar issues since the PS5 launch. It’s bad enough that I’m going to see my Doctor in a couple of weeks.
Has anybody here experienced anything like this? If so, did you come up with any solutions to avoid it? I would just go back to my DualShock 4 but Sony annoyingly doesn’t let you use them for PS5 games despite all the buttons being identical. I need to get this figured out before Spider-Man 2 comes out.