Not eating enough on keto?

Hi, I started keto almost 3 weeks ago after doing it for a month 3 years back. I’m a 180cm, 84kg male who (now) goes to the gym 4x1hr per week. I prepared this well, and as a result, I’m generally eating less than 20g of net carbs per day now. I felt like sh*t the first week (hungry and grumpy!), but then everything changed! Now I need to remind myself to eat. Amazing, right?

So here’s the problem! I track my macro intake daily and while I mostly manage to eat the ~140g of proteins recommended by my Keto app, my fat intake is WAYYY TOO LOW!! The app recommends 172g of fat per day, but I only average 80-100g of fat. ChatGPT tells me that’s a real issue because “A diet that is too low in fat but high in protein could inadvertently increase gluconeogenesis (conversion of protein to glucose), potentially knocking someone out of ketosis. The ketogenic diet relies on maintaining a specific macronutrient ratio (typically 70-75% fat, 20-25% protein, 5-10% carbs).”

What do you all think? If I feel satiated, and considering I seem to be slowly losing weight (~1kg/week), is it really such a big thing if I don’t eat enough fat? Ideally I would just want to follow my appetite and not force myself to eat fat!