Jukecalla responded, and something else has been revealed that made me lose all respect for her

So here's the doc. I wanted to wait until the document dropped to actually decide for myself the stance on this. I wanted to hear the full story from both sides. It's clear that the document was sort of just made to placate the community, since it doesn't really go into a lot of depth and she says things that don't really make sense. A lot of the major points from the original document are not at all addressed, such as Juke's shortcomings regarding the story/lore, and the fact that there are so many unreleased areas with little made on each one, meaning Juke is actively holding back the releases.

She says things like the fact that she is less interested to work on obbies and is more invested in creating combat and story. My question, then, is why is she still the owner of the game if she doesn't even have passion for the game's main premise?

Well, this message sort of puts the nail in the coffin. It's in the JToH group hug Discord server, a server made after the original mismanagement doc. The message led to a series of events and the eventual confirmation from the developers that Juke has been taking 70% of the game's revenue for years without telling anyone.

So Juke has made 100000 USD from JToH (just in 2021 mind you) by means of taking 70% of the revenue for herself and 30% for the developers who actually work on the game. No wonder she wants to stay as owner. It all makes sense now.

Juke probably won't step down, though, because of her massive ego and desire to make money from JToH. I highly doubt anything long-term is ever going to come out of this drama because nothing ever does, the whole community just forgets and moves on.