Hesitancy starting judo, need advice/insight
Hello, I hope I’m posting in the right place. I been really wanting to try judo for a while now, and have some experience in BJJ and have touched some very basic judo in my class (basic break falls and mat slaps, maybe two or three judo techniques, some sparring).
I have the opportunity to join a judo club/gym, but am struck with fear of breaking an arm when falling incorrectly/habitually posting with the arm, not falling forward correctly and spraining my neck, and a bunch of other terrible fears with this very exciting and dynamic (dynamic in both exciting and fearful ways).
I would love some insight, reality checks, level setting, etc., anything really to set me in the right direction in my dilemma. Thank you
(EDIT: thank you all for the advice and reality checks. I’ll be signing up this week. I appreciate the help!)